Just €5 for delivery to the whole Europe!




  • Revealing the cards of spring’s Protection Time! 🌸
As much as 25% off for: 
✅ Glossy, clean paint
✅ Hydrophobicity and easy car washing
✅ Visibility, also on mirrors and cameras

The bestselling Fusso Coat 12 Months, Ultra Glaco and Glaco Mirror Coat Zero set is now available from partners and our online store!

#protectiontime #ptspring24 #detailing #carwash #fusso #glaco
  • Protection Time gets underway!🛡️
The best opportunity to protect your car is back for spring!🌸
#soft99 #protectiontime #detailing #cars #japan
  • You can count on Glaco whenever it rains. ☔️
Now, you can count on it when it gets hot too! ☀️
Introducing the first on the market, car care ice cream flavors of Glaco Roll On Large (in a large bucket), Glaco DX and Ultra Glaco!
Perfect for cooling off – these ice creams simply repel the heat!
Coming soon to your favourite ice cream parlours and car care studios. 😎

#glaco #soft99 #japan #cars #aprilfools
  • The whole Soft99 Team would like to wish you a very happy Easter!
#easter #wishes #soft99 #japan #cars


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